Donagh Wylde and Éanna McKenna |
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer (Bread of Heaven) Hughs/Williams
S'é mo Tiarna m'Aire , Alleluiah Fintan O Carroll
Thine be The Glory Handel
There were many prominent members of the local musical and business circles at the launch. Carmel Griffin, director of Colaiste Muire Choir and herself a former organist and director of the Cathedral Choir was among those attending and was she said 'very pleased with Colaiste Muire's contribution of some Irish song settings on the recording'. I spoke to choir director Donagh Wylde , clearly relieved and delighted to have arrived at the close of a long process of editing , rehearsing and performing. Donagh commented that de Regge's composition style was very influenced by plainchant and also Romantic composers such as Weber and most importantly, the choir loved singing the work. Certainly the music is elaborate in places with difficult four part singing that would not suit for regular worship but made for a wonderful sense of occasion and resonance with the past. Other former cathedral choir directors present were Kieran O Gorman, Mary Curley and the present director Michael Hennessy. Nigel Bridge, organist at St Columba's in Bindon Street was also in attendance and Doireann Wylde represented the younger generation in a flurry of organists (a collective noun for organists?) present for the occasion.
Enniscorthy Choral Society were last in Ennis on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the composer's death in 2008 when they sang parts of the Plukett Mass at the Cathedral followed by a commemorative event at Colaiste Muire Congratulations to Donagh Wylde, Enniscorthy Choral Society on the culmination of a long project.
I enjoyed the other hymns chosen for the Feast of Christ the King. The gathering and recessional hymns were stirring, the first a familiar Welsh rugby anthem. My own music teacher, Fintan O Carroll, director of music at Waterford Cathedral was represented in the psalm setting and Alleluiah and organist Éanna McKenna at the console coaxed a wonderful variety of sounds from what surely must be one of the secret treasures of Ennis, the Cathedral organ. Speaking to Éanna following the event, he said that the Ennis organ was a historic instrument and was in fact designed by the man commemorated this evening Ernest de Regge. May he rest in peace.
Organist Éanna McKenna at the console |
Displayed on altar 19th Nov 2011 |
Sunday Independent 12 July 1947 'Ennis Choir will broadcast Mass Oliver Plunket'.
Nice article Cathy.. I didn't make it to the "gig" but had the pleasure of meeting some of the choir and Mr de Regge's daughter at a session in Brogans and they sang some lovely songs and made the night great by their presence. Full admiration to Donagh Wilde for his great work.